The use of modern research techniques to find a cure for any disease has been a very long standing and not very popular in some circles, but that is changing. In the last couple of decades we have seen a paradigm shift in the way we deal with various diseases and illnesses. The doctors of the past would rely on tradition and folklore to diagnose a patient and devise a treatment or course of action, usually based on the local culture. With modern medicine relying more on science and technology to aid them in diagnosing and treating patients, people are more open to alternative treatments and therapies. This has lead to many doctors experimenting with new drugs and different techniques in order to come up with a treatment or cure. For example, researchers at the John Hopkins University have been researching new ways to treat cancer patients for quite some time. When they were testing new imaging technologies they discovered something truly amazing; scans of tumors actually revealed information about internal organs and blood flow patterns within the body. Doctors were able to see exactly what was going on within a patient’s body when it came to their health, and what type of treatment would benefit them the most. New modern research techniques and methods have allowed these doctors to offer an entirely new perspective on cancer and treatment options, allowing patients to live a longer and healthier life due to new discoveries. Another good example of modern research techniques being used to help a patient with cancer is when a doctor has a hunch that a particular type of tumor might be cancerous, but can’t actually do a biopsy on the patient to find out for sure. If the patient then agrees to have a biopsy, the doctor can now look at the tumor through a microscopic scope and see if it has cancerous cells present. Modern research techniques have helped these doctors make the correct diagnoses and helped save countless lives due to early detection.